Busy And Productive Are Not The Same Thing

Are you so busy that it causes you stress or anxiety?

You try so hard to get it all done. You’re going non-stop. You multi-task, trying to maximize every minute.

There’s just more and more to do these days. Most of my clients complain that they are so busy “doing” that there is no time to rest or play. There is no such thing as “me time.”

Too much doing and busy-ness eventually wears you down with fatigue, low energy, sleep problems, illness, anxiety, irritability, and dissatisfaction.

If you wake up every day and go right back to push, push, push, the quality and productivity of your work goes down. In the end, you actually get less done.

To get help in learning how to lead a more balanced healthier life ccontact Dr Barbara Denny at 714-832-6454.


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