Ending A Relationship Is Not A Failure

Failure is trying to keep a dead relationship alive.
Life is like a sidewalk. We walk down the sidewalk of our lives, sometimes alone, sometimes with others. With certain people we travel many miles, until they turn down a different street, marching on without us into their own futures. Other friends, lovers and acquaintances we stroll with for a short while and then then they detour on their own paths. And still others we walk with for a very long time, maybe to the end of our street, the end of our lives. No matter who we walk with or the length of the journey together, the path we travel is always our own.
These words can influence your perceptions of relationships. Every situation lasts for as long as it’s meant to be. Endings are a natural part of life. Things start and end, over and over again. Because each of us has an individual path, our own life, we continuously walk with different people through the stages of our lives. Some travel with us forever, and others are called to different paths. When the person we walk with chooses to take an alternate route, the decision is not personal. We all must be true to our own paths.

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