How To Deal With Difficult People

Bullies are angry and throw tantrums and scream to get their way.

Gripers constantly complain but rarely do anything to improve their situation.

Negative types say no to everything and reject new ideas and ways of doing things.

Very nice people seem to agree with you, but over promise and often under deliver.

Know everything types think they know everything and are condescending toward others.

Procastinators put things off until someone else takes over or until the deadline is past and the decision is made for them.

Quiet types don’t say much. Their contributions are limited to a “yes” or a “no.”

You can’t avoid these people but you can learn to cope with them. Here are some tips.

For bullies, stand up for yourself by expressing your opinion. Use terms like “I believe” or “I feel.” Don’t try to fight with them but make your point firmly.

Let gripers know that you hear their concerns. Then ask, “What do you want?”

For quiet types, ask open-ended questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”

With negative types, express the objections before they do. Then ask for their input.

Very nice people have a strong need to be liked. Compliment them, then dig in to find out what they really think.

Be prepared with facts and figures when dealing with know everything types. Raise possible problems, and be sure to follow through with promises.

Listen to procrastinators and find out the real reason for their delays. Help them and ask them for help.

For more information contact Dr. Barbara Denny at 714-832-6454.

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