Shed Your Corporate Skin

All work and no play makes anyone less productive, more stressed and a lot less fun to be around. Here are a few ways to shed your corporate skin and let your weekend self emerge.

Before you leave the office straighten your work area and arrange your Monday morning priorities.

Remove from your mind those projects or deadlines which worry you. Write them out on a piece of paper and leave them in your desk drawer.

Create a transitional time. After work one day a week meet with coworkers or other friends for a walk or pizza.

Save an afternoon for a small treat just for you—take a walk in the park, stop for a treat in the coffee shop, or visit a quiet place where you can relax and get your thoughts together.

Change your mood by listening to a favorite CD when you get in the car.

Once you get home change into some comfortable, fun clothes that make you feel more relaxed.

Make a rule that on one or two evenings you make a little time for yourself before tending to kids or delving into other responsibilities. Spend some time exercising, reading, chatting with a friend or just doing nothing on the weekend.

Create a ritual, something you love to do and look forward to during the week—like cycling, gardening, or going out for brunch. Then do it every weekend.

The weekend is a time to recover, so don’t save all of your household tasks until then. Use this time to have fun, be creative, and let your other, playful self develop.

Get together with friends more often. Make it easy on yourself by having a cooking party orpotluck dinner.

Resist the temptation to turn social occasions into networking sessions or business discussions.

Choose activities that are directly opposite of your work responsibilities. If you are at a desk all day, get out and do something physical.

Seek assistance
If you would like additional ideas on managing stress, or would like to meet to talk about your particular situation, call Dr. Denny at 714-832-6454.

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